random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Saturday at 8 p.m. is Earth Hour. For that one measly hour you are asked to turn off your power. No, I am pretty sure that the world won't be forever altered by the choice that people are making to kill the power for one hour. BUT I am sure that we will enjoy the experience, that it will be a catalyst for more discussion in our family and that we will have fun playing games by candlelight. I bet we keep the power off for quite a while.

We decided a while ago to try to make one change every month that would be environmentally friendly. We are walking to Church every Sunday - rain or shine. We have stopped using paper towel. The water never runs in our house, lights are not left on and new this month - no showers longer than 5 minutes. Less if possible. Growing up we had 5 people, one of those a serious jock, with one very small hot water tank. I believe that any shower we took was closer to 2 minutes. Five minutes is a piece of cake! Now we are fully aware that we aren't doing anything earth shattering. I know that climate change will not reverse itself because the Nickerson family is making these insignificant changes. But you know, like anything, it all begins somewhere - with one small step. Reid & I are becoming so much more aware.

And our girls...well, now they really could change the world.


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