random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Full honest confession: I LOVE Christmas. I love it all. The shopping for gifts, the wrapping of gifts, the watching the gifts get opened, I love the decorations, the tree, the music. I love the treats and the feasts and the family time.

But I also must confess that I see less joy and more tired faces. Over the last 2 weeks I have heard at least three times on CBC radio a credit counselor offering advice on not going into debt over the holidays. I was at the library yesterday and 4 of the magazines I picked up to read all had articles addressing the same thing. They say that the average Canadian spends $800 - $1000 on Christmas. That's a lotta loot.

BUT I should also make it clear I'm not anti-spending or gift-giving. My girls will be opening real gifts under our tree and not a card saying we bought them a goat in Africa- which is, by the way, a great idea in and of itself. I'd like that for Christmas. I'm not preaching against Christmas. Just maybe that we need to slow down and THINK a little bit more. Think about what we are doing and why. Just press the pause button. I found this website and I found it intriguing. A place where you just have time to stop and think.

Advent Conspiracy is an international movement restoring the scandal of Christmas by worshipping Jesus through compassion, not consumption.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you guessed I bought you a goat. Now the suprise is ruined!! I do agree sometimes we go crazy at this time of the year. Wishing you Reid and those great girls a very merry Christmas. Thanks for being such a grand lunch mom and driver for everything. Love to you all.

7:04 AM  

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