random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I've been thinking today (as I was making applesauce - oh how domestic am I?) about Pat Robertson and the idiotic quote he made on his tv show. It got me thinking about politics and religion and how we've reduced the amazing message of freedom that Christ preached and reduced it to our very tiny western democracy. We've (and I say this begrudgingly because I often make sure the distinction is made that I'm Canadian NOT American) really have this arrogant Western mindset that says our way is the wisest, our way is the least ignorant, our way is THE BEST way and other countries are certainly beating down our door to be just like us.

In some respects, this is true. We do have wonderful freedoms that democracy offers. We live in a relatively safe place where we can say what we want, when we want. I am very grateful to live in a country like Canada. I see immigrants coming to our country because they long for the political system that we have created. On the other hand...I hate it when we think that Jesus cares about our politics. He cares about politicians but does He really care if the country is Conservative or Liberal, Democratic or Republican? Can He accomplish what He wants in any political system - even in, gasp, a communist country? I see so many leaders trying to tie in Jesus to their politics. Jesus cares about people. and we stuff Him into these crazy manmade boxes. If you love Jesus you'll vote this way or that way. If you behave this way, then we should get rid of you because we can. We are the powerful West and Jesus loves us best.

How stupid is that.


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