random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

As I read over yesterdays rant - I had to laugh. The aggression I felt certainly came because I had just put the book down. Now in thinking it all over well, I still agree with Mr. Chomsky and I still would agree with what I said.


While Mr. Chomsky writes with detailed historical facts and political awareness - he does not know Jesus. He inspires in me a desire to become more aware of the world around me, he makes me want to seek justice for the oppressed and the oppressor. He makes me want to affect change - to join my voice to the protest - and while feeling the task is mammoth, understanding that any change, be it civil rights, or womens rights - takes time -a great deal of time. Especially in considering the level of change that we are talking about here.

But at the core of who I am - I am a follower of Jesus Christ. HE is who I am. It is His laws and truths that guide my life. I can reconcile the above feelings with my being a Christian. In fact I think that justice is a Christian concept, just like caring for the poor and holding up the cause of the disadvantaged. But there is something more important. When we look at Jesus - well, there is a reason He didn't throw His hat into the political arena. He changed people one at a time, one relationship at a time.

So my question today is how to live and share my faith so that lives are changed. Keep informed, keep challenging the establishment, join the outcry against injustice and seek justice BUT to understand that true change comes only through knowing Jesus.

and so we circle back to relationships. That really does seem to be what it is all about.


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