random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I realize it has been a while since that last post.

Truth is - we had a family vacation. Just to Vancouver - so it's not like we traveled far and saw things we've never seen before. But it was SO good to be away - just us. We stayed right downtown so we could walk pretty much everywhere we needed to go. And yes, we had rain gear. We spent a day at Granville Island and a day at the Vancouver Art gallery. Some time shopping, watching movies, checked out some of the more interesting architecture(like the public library). We relaxed and laughed and made memories. Just what a vacation should be.

One thing I noticed about the city is that it has an uncanny ability to make you feel discontent. Especially being downtown. My clothes/shoes/hairstyle weren't quite up to snuff. Neither were my home finishings or even our car. Truly Truly I really don't have any hang ups about any of that stuff. I love who I am and I love our home. It was just interesting to walk around and find myself wanting... just wanting...

So, back to my personal quest for fulfillment. Well, I have a possible job - a housecleaning job that will be a few flexible hours and some vacation money. And I am also about to start volunteering at the Teen Challenge Ladies Center in Abbotsford one evening a week. I am very very excited. It is a home made up of ten young ladies who have gone through detox and are at varying stages of their year long stay in the Teen Challenge Drug and Alcohol Recovery Program. I basically get to go and eat dinner,hang out, and tuck them into bed. I get to love these ladies, who for a host of reasons, are struggling with addiction but are working hard at getting their life back on track. What a gift.


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