random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Okay, so it's been a while... I suppose the lack of posting can be put down to the busy holiday season but just as likely was the fact that I just didn't have much to say. My brother and his family were here for a week. It was good to be ALL together again as a family. It is so good to see my mom so happy. She loves when all her kids and the grandkids are gathered in one place. Can't blame her - it was pretty great.

We celebrated New Years much the same as last year. Good friends together, laughing, playing games, talking. It's a nice way to both end and begin a new year. I don't usually make resolutions. But I've been thinking lots about what a new year means. Clean slate. Endless possibilities. Kinda exciting!

I have been re-assessing my 2005 year. Did I walk "humbly with my God"? Did I grow as a person, wife, mom? Are my kids wiser, stronger, happier? Have I listened?

As I reflect on the questions, I can't really say absolutely YES. But you know, I can't say I failed at every level either. My relationships have deepened. Relationships with Reid, with Caris & Phoebe, with friends, and with my Lord. I have drawn closer to my Creator. He has taught me much this year. I think I've begun a journey of asking the right questions. And inevitably those questions will lead me to a place that is better than where I am now.

My clean slate assures me that I've been forgiven, that the Holy Spirit desires to use me still, that I can start fresh with a clear conscience.

May I listen - really listen in 2006. To my Father's quiet whisper, as well as the louder voices that call each day.


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