random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Friday, August 25, 2006

All the 20 - somethings that I know use the word "random" as in "that's so random..." Well, I am having 'random' thoughts today. They are all over the map.

We have to take our 5 year old lab/husky to the vet today for x-rays. Something is wrong with her back left hip. I am so scared they are going to tell me that the fix is costly. Then what? We LOVE this dog. She is a part of our family. But what does that mean? We honestly can't justify spending the wad on her care. Actually forget justification - we can't afford it period. I've been up for the last couple nights thinking about the what if's in this situation. I am praying that we won't actually have to consider them.

We're heading off tonight for a family reunion. There will possibly be relatives there I haven't seen in many many years. I can honestly say I am not really looking forward to it. I'm a big believer in family. Really. But when you are grabbing the distant relatives and throwing them all together for a weekend - I'm just not sure this is how I want to spend the last weekend of my summer vacation!

We've watched a couple videos in the last week - 'thinking' documentaries. I'd recommend them both. The first we watched was about Wal-Mart. Now for many years we have, as a family, made a point not to shop at Wal-Mart. This documentary just backed up our original reasons and added a few more. It's a difficult thing to consider boycotting a store as large as this one. I mean, let's be honest, the piddly change I spend there certainly isn't going to get anyones attention. But for our own family convictions - this is something easy we can do. Like buying our fair-trade coffee. (Available at MCC in Chilliwack) But so we don't shop at Wal-Mart - what about Costco or Superstore - or eek, Dollar stores! Odds are much of their product was purchased from factories overseas - factories that probably wouldn't last long here in North America - if you know what I mean! So how willing am I REALLY to live by my convictions. Shop local. Grow my own food. Pay extra for the inconvenience. **sigh**
The second video we've seen before but our friends Kelly & Lynn hadn't so we rented it again. It's called "The Yes Men". It is a great documentary about a couple guys who take on the World Trade Organization in a very creative and gutsy way. It's a very eye opening movie. Go rent it.

Well I'm off to the vet. Yes, I'm scared and nervous.



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