random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This week I understand how it feels to be a double income family. It's Wednesday and truth be told, I'm exhausted. I was hired by the Post Office last month as a casual. Great! I'm thrilled - called in occasionally, make some great money - no big deal. What does go with that however is training. Two weeks , fulltime... so here I am running out the door at 8:30 to meet my carpool (training is in Chwk). Before that happens though, my kids have to be out the door, cycling over to Grandma's house. I admit I am rather spoiled in having Grandma pick up homeschooling with my girls. What a gift for me AND the girls. We all arrive home around the same time - 5:15 ish. Then of course it's supper and the evening.

How do you do this all the time??? I miss my morning cuddles and planning the day as we lay in my bed first thing in the morning. I miss relaxing over my coffee until we start school. I miss getting supper, laundry and other cleaning done over the course of a day. I miss having my evening to have fun and hang out rather than trying to catch up on what didn't happen that day. I know that for some - there is no choice. This is life. So be it. I tip my hat to you - I watch some of you and you do it ALL and you do it well.

But for me. I am still looking forward to the 'casual' shift that doesn't completely and totally disrupt my life. I am pretty sure that 'having it all' isn't talking about money - My version of having it all probably is more hanging out with my family, keeping a tight budget(and believe me, it is a TIGHT budget!) and having time to be........ well, to just be.

They say that you can't appreciate a feast without a famine, the having without the have-not. I think that's true. I certainly appreciate more the life we've chosen now that I've walked on the other side.


Blogger Mo said...

Wondering how your week played out. We have similar issues about working outside the home. My time for full time paid work has come. I waited until my kids were almost grown up. I'm exhausted most of the time now, because I don't want Gillian to miss out on homemade bread and volleyball with mom.

I love your tiki lantern tradition.

Thanks for your comment on my blog about the girls' cookie fund raising project.

11:52 AM  

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