random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

We are in the middle of a heat wave. And it is smokin' hot. I've been working this week at the Post Office, which is air conditioned & I'm feeling pretty spoiled. Did I mention it was hot?

so vacation. aaaaah.

The very word brings a rush of memories and sighs of contentment. Imagine - 2 weeks of only family, no phones, no computer, no tv, no stresses. It was heavenly. We started in Edmonton at our niece's wedding. She was a gorgeous bride, Bill was as handsome a groom as you can find and their son, the less than a year old Ethan was a cutie-patootie in his little tux. We had a great visit with the family that made it out. After a day at West Edmonton Mall we headed out to Drumheller, then on to see friends in Okotoks, visit Reid's 101 year old Aunt Mabel in Calgary and then pit-stopped into Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump before hitting the States. We loved all of Alberta and had a blast everywhere we went. We hit the road for South Dakota and wound up camping in Spearfish and doing day trips to Deadwood and Mount Rushmore. Deadwood is a true blue western town that unfortunately is nothing but casinos. To bad because the buildings are actually pretty cool. We saw where Wild Bill Hickok was shot and where he and Calamity Jane are buried. oooo - aaaah. I think my favourite thing about Mount Rushmore is the imagination and determination it would take for someone to carve the heads of 4 presidents into the side of a mountain. Quite a dream that turned into reality. Finally we headed off and managed to pull off the surprise of a lifetime for our kids.

Before the Kuhn family took off for their 3 month Sabbatical in Alabama, we worked out to meet up in a town called Gardiner in Yellowstone National Park where we had rented a house for us all (including Grandma and Grandpa). On Canada Day, we pulled into town, my parents managed to find us and together we headed up the driest, twistiest, narrowest road to our absolutely fabulous house. The Kuhns were there and when the kids saw each other - well, it was worth every second of the drive - it was perfect. They were stunned. So we spent 5 days at Yellowstone - saw Old Faithful, and some truly amazing natural sites. We saw buffalo (who knew they were so massive?!), a huge bull elk, a black bear and a grizzly bear. and we saw them up close.

As we drove we listened to music, listened to books 10,11 and 12 of "A Series of Unfortunate Events" and talked. We had a great time just hanging out and being together as a family. None of us minded the driving.

What a gift. Two weeks, unreal sites, no pressures, amazing family. Life doesn't get much better.


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