random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Friday, October 07, 2005

I should quit reading the news. It really just gets me riled - I suppose it should really drive me to my knees but frankly, sometimes I'm so deeply affected (or dejected), I just cry. I just read a BBC interview that quoted George Bush as having said that God told him to go into Afghanistan, go invade Iraq. God has told him to do everything he has done so far. Not, he felt God was leading in that direction....but God TOLD him to. WHAT??? I have no words. I am no longer angry, just so so sad. Maybe I will get on my knees after all.

I've been challenged (again). Especially the phrase that reads "These are people who live normally by the second mile". That is really what I'd like to be known for. I live by the second mile.

"...we, as christians, must know that the world's deepest need is for saints. These are people who can give themselves in ways which seem fanatical to those who live by the usual ethical and moral norms. These are the people who live normally by the second mile. It is not sporadic with them. They have thrown the familiar "duty" maps away. They are utter fools for Christ's sake. .....Now if Christ be not God, they are utter fools, but if Christ be God, then they are the only sane people in the midst of the insane."
~Elizabeth O'Connor


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