random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Okay. I'm listening.

A few monthes back I had my first wake-up call regarding my health. I have made a few changes - but it didn't take long before I was feeling good and I fell into those unhealthy habits again. Actually as I think back - I'm shocked at how complacent I have become. I remember lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to a few monitors: heart, blood pressure, oxygen level etc etc and thinking - I will take steps to NEVER let this happen again. Now granted, it wasn't related to lifestyle. My heart problem is a genetic thing I was probably born with but still - I can help myself A LOT by losing weight and becoming more active.

Now Reid has been diagnosed with high blood pressure - high as in through the roof - blood pressure. Frightening! Now, his too is genetic. He is on the whole quite healthy. He will be on medication for the rest of his life. Not something he's very excited about. But a lifestyle change will benefit him as well. We will take steps to make sure he has a low fat, caffeine free diet. We'll make sure he exercises regularly. This could very well be a life/death thing.

So, again. A good wake-up call. I'm trying to listen better this time.

It also gets me thinking about my spiritual life. I have those moments of clarity where I am in tune with the Lord and am spending time reading, listening, praying. I make declarations of never going back to mediocre - of never settling into routine. And then I forget. I get busy. I lose intensity, desire, drive. It happens with my physical well being and it happens with my spiritual well being. What a pathetic creature....

But what a God I serve - who loves me (that's grace!) in spite of my wishy-washy ways (that's alliteration!) A God who is more than willing to continue teaching me, guiding me and even using me for His Kingdom- all in spite of myself.



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