random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tomorrow we are off to Mexico. I went to get our travel insurance the other day and of course the woman was asking where we were going. So I said "Mexico". She had just got back from vacation in Puerta Vallarta with her two children. They went to an all-inclusive. Don't get me wrong - given opportunity I'd go to an all inclusive resort without thinking twice! Two weeks of relaxation, no cooking, laying by the pool with a cold drink in my hands...doesn't get much better! When she asked where we were going and I told her the obscure place that I knew she'd never heard of - she looked at me and said "and what exactly will you do there?" As I explained, I could tell she thought I was kinda loopy but in a good way.

I am so thrilled to be able to show my girls that the rest of the world does not live like North Americans. And I can't wait for them to see that even though people don't live like us, they still manage to have joy and are content. I can't wait for us all to see that the world is a BIG place and our little corner in Hope BC is not all there is out there.

Pray for us. Pray we will see God moving. Pray that our hearts break and that we can bring home insight and wisdom from our experience. I pray for changed lives for the children (ages 6,8,9 (two of them) and 11 and 12. I pray for changed lives for the teens (9 of them!) and I pray for changed lives for the rest of us who go from 37 to 70.

May the old learn from the young, may the young learn from the old, may the Canadians learn from the Mexicans, may the Mexicans learn from the Canadians, and may we all learn from the Master.


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