random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This may come as a shock to many of you - but I don't always understand God. Yup, there are many things I just don't get. But the truth, the down deep, underlaying reality is- I don't really want a God that I can understand. Yet so many people want to change the teaching of God creating us(man) in His image and want to create God in our image. Who wants to worship, trust, believe in a God who is just like me?? I much prefer a God who is greater, wiser and yes, far more mysterious than I am capable of grasping.

But sometimes, well, sometimes we just don't like it. Sometimes there are boundaries and restrictions that we may not understand or like. I was reading yesterday something that a woman wrote about a marriage conference she attended. The speaker said:

We really don't believe that God is good...if we REALLY believed that, we would joyfully accept His boundaries in our lives.

How true is that?! Because we are so afraid to fully trust in God and stick with the boundaries He places on us, we often choose outside His best. Which essentially is our best. So while our lips say that God is good. That He loves us. That He wants only that which is best for us - we don't often live this way. We just aren't willing to make the hard choices that we don't like or understand in order to walk in obedience to Him.

so we end up with a God who chooses the same things we would. He likes and dislikes the same things we do. We end up with a human being instead of a Holy God - a human full of inconsistencies, full of sin, and totally unreliable.

I may not like it all the time, but give me the perfect, holy and mysterious God - Who alone is worthy of glory, honour and praise.


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