random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So. Same old, same old. Conservative Minority. I would be surprised if anything other than this result happened. and I think the same of most people. This was an election that was completely, from beginning to end, uninspired.

Steven Harper gave a great speech last night. Really good speech. In it he was gracious and positive toward both Stephan Dion and Jack Layton. He recognized that there must be a stronger commitment to work together. They need to play nice. Every party must recognize that the majority of Canadians don't want to hear them constantly fight and squabble and accomplish nothing. There are things, important things, that must get done in Ottawa. And each party has some good things to put in the offering. A good plan is a good plan regardless of which party puts it forward. I have hope (not much but a little) that Mr. Harper meant what he said. That maybe he will try to work with the Liberals and NDP in creating a strong Canada.

I guess we'll see.


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