random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

We have Church vote coming up. Should be very interesting. We've got a woman (up for a Deacon position) and a guy coming up for Elder, who's considered by a few to be a radical. I suppose he got the reputation for bringing a fresh approach to worship. It'll be the first time we've had a woman in the leadership position. I'm very excited at the potential change - but nervous to see the actual outcome. I pray that the Church is as forward thinking as I believe they are. As I'm on the nomination team, I obviously think these 2, as well as the other people we chose, are God's people for the job. I hope that people pray and consider God's leading in all this and not just vote according to personal bias.

I like change. I'd like change to move a little faster in our Church. It seems to move at a snail's pace most of the time. There are so many issues that drive me crazy: women in leadership (looking forward to having one!), baptism & membership (sprinkling or dunking?? - who cares!) worship style (as in musical preferences- ok I like it loud - I get that particular bias).

I suppose slow change is good - it allows people to catch on to what is happening and the opportunity to think it over, observe it in action and not feel steamrolled by the whole thing. It gives people the chance to jump on board without being told "this is the way we're doing it now so suck it up!".

So, I'll pray. I'll pray that our Church is open to new things - good things I think. I'll pray that I'll be patient and wait on the Lord to stir up people's hearts. He seems to be good at that.


Blogger Jeff Kuhn said...

I'm praying too.

6:57 PM  

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