random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

How's it goin' eh? Ya knob.

Now you all know the truth. I'm a closet mac-jacket wearing, beer loving, backbacon eating hoser. Well, maybe I'M not those things but I'm a fan of those who made them famous! On Sunday we celebrated the great Doug & Bob McKenzie with the 2-4 anniversary special. We happened to be at a hotel in Vancouver, which is rather funny because not having cable at home, we look forward to new channels when we travel. It ended up we watched the good ole CBC so we could catch the big special. It started with the movie "The Strange Brew" which, I confess, still makes me giggle. The girls watched it for the first time and had a good laugh although they didn't appreciate it in the same way as Reid & I. After the movie there was an hour special of the boys, interviews, news and entertainment reels of the 'hoser-mania' all hosted by Paul Martin. Yes, that Paul Martin - the previous Prime Minister of Canada. It was so perfect. He was a great host.

The memories of Bob & Doug really do make me smile. It's interesting that you would be hard pressed to find anyone (in Canada anyway) of a certain age who isn't familiar with these two.

Beauty eh.


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