random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Friday, May 04, 2007

I've just returned from a funeral. I knew the gentleman but not extremely well - when you grow up in a small town you know everyone "sorta". But maybe I knew the family a tad better than that - he and his wife went to our Church until a recent move down the valley. He was 71 years old, had a wife of almost 50 years, 3 children and quite a few grandchildren. He was a pastor, a bus driver, a guy who devoted a great deal of time to helping those in need. He was a good man.

Reid was privileged to put together a slide show about him. He did an amazing job (as usual) if I do say so myself. He's very gifted. What I love about these slide shows is that it gives everyone a much bigger glimpse into a persons life. We knew Andy for this sliver of time, but he lived so much more - and pictures can give you a greater sense of who someone was.

One of Andy's friends shared some light memories and his oldest grand-daughter shared memories on behalf of the grandkids. They were great. Very quirky, very specific and very Andy-type memories. What a gift he's left to those kids.

Another friend asked us as we were leaving "what do you think people will remember about you?" It makes you think. What kind of memories are we creating now. What are we leaving as our legacy?

Death makes a person stop and look around at life. It makes us realize how temporary this whole earth thing is. And it makes us realize that we need to maybe be a bit more intentional in our relationships and in the living that matters.


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