random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I am thinking that this is a day for musings... I have been painting the interior of my house and as it is mindless work - for the most part - it gives lots of time for the mind to wander. And my mind wanders.

I've been circling around this idea of thinking critically and how this skill seems to be one that is rare. People just don't seem to want to think through things, they don't want to wrestle with the preconceived notions that we all frankly, have and possibly have to change their minds.

Just to explain my thoughts on this - I have been reading what some conservatives (ie: Republicans) have been saying about Mr. Obama. It seems it isn't enough just to say that politically they disagree. I have been reading blurbs from ladies (who seem pretty normal lovely mom type people!) who are comparing Obama with Hitler, who are entertaining the idea that he may be the antichrist, who honestly believe misquotes and half-quotes taken out of context that say he has connections with terrorists. Now I have no issues with aligning yourself politically with Obama or McCain or Steven Harper or Jack Layton. We all hold fast to different things. For this I am thankful.

I suppose I'm just wondering when so many of us stopped really truly thinking about the information offered to us and asking ourselves those critical questions.

Just thinking out loud....


Blogger Juanita Stauffer said...

Hi Cindi,

I agree with you about critical thinking. However, I do have a question for you about your support of Obama? Are you aware of his stance on abortion and pro-life issues and does that not bother you? For me, that is a deal-breaker. His past record in voting re: abortion issues has been consistently on the side of abortion, not on the pro-life side and that bothers me.

I've been wondering this for a while so thought I would ask now.


5:34 PM  
Blogger Cyndi said...

The short answer is yes. Absolutely it bothers me. I am wholly and completely against abortion. Period. I hope I can communicate a somewhat coherent answer to your inquiry - the limitation of cyber-space sometimes makes communication difficult. So, back to your question. Maybe if I thought that if a Presidents stance on abortion would change anything - it would be tougher for me to decide.However, I cannot see how having a "pro-life" President (Mr. Bush)has boosted the sanctity of life in the U.S. I think when we value life, it is ALL life - not just the unborn. Thousands upon thousands of lives have been lost in Iraq - both American and Iraqi lives. I think that being pro-life extends to them. I think that being willing to create programs that take care of the most needy and vulnerable in our society are valuing life. Programs that will care for that baby that was saved from abortion. I think access to Health Care for the wealthy and the poor is also valuing life. I guess I'm a tried and true "socialist" - a dreaded word in many circles!

The truth is that there are things about both the Republicans and Democrats that I like and dislike. I have chosen the larger picture - even though, I will say, I have a hard time with the stand on abortion. But as I weigh the two sides out - I come out as a Democrat. A Bible believing, Jesus following, Democrat.

It's good to hear from you. You are never far from our thoughts. I'm heading to Ladies Bible Study in a few minutes and we will be praying for you then. Take care. And thanks for asking.

8:42 AM  

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