random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Monday Accountability Update..... another good week. A couple blips on the screen - hurried eating on the fly always means some choices that shouldn't have been. But on the whole - success. It feels like life now - not like a temporary diet. I think that's good. The numbers are good as well. Down 2 more pounds and another inch off the waistline. That is bizarre to me - how does that work?? I won't complain though, not as long as it is in my favour! Also success in terms of exercise - I'm walking tons more and actually enjoying it, which means I don't have to search for those excuses to get out of it.

Yesterday's sermon mentioned "living well". Physically I was living - but not living well. Now that I'm improving the physical part of my being - I'm beginning to "live well". and of course with all the focus on the physical - I can't forget the spiritual side of living well. I'm going to be implementing some changes. I'm excited about the spiritual direction of my life as well.

But I'm going to save that for another post...


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