random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

How's this for a radical thought....

A Pervasive Spirit of Love

I hope that I will see the day when the church is known not by the person who shouts the loudest but for a pervasive spirit of love. I pray for a renewal in the body of Christ, one that already exists in the beauty of believers committed to one another. The tables will be open to all people, regardless of race, economic status, or sexual orientation.

So what can the church do on a societal level? How does a group of lovers create ways to see love and justice embodied in laws and in policy? We set an example; we lead the way to reform. We lobby, we get arrested when justice demands it, we speak out, we offer alternatives.

So let us lead with passion. Where there are homeless, may we sleep on the streets. Where there are those without healthcare, let us demand inclusion and equal opportunity. Where there is war, let us be the visage of a man who turned the other cheek. Let us love as Christ loved; let our love for the world create a society of mercy and justice from the start to the finish of this dance we call life. Be love.

Matt Enquist
Freshman at North Park University

Just imagine!


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