random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I was singing an old Beatles tune today - All my lovin' - I'm not sure why it popped into my head. Maybe I was thinking about old records I have and never listen to and how years ago, I would play them over and over and over and over..... till of course they're skipping and scratched.

Records. Better than 8 track but not exactly quality sound! But what I do love about records was the album art. Some of those covers were absolute works of art.

There are still songs I hear that stir my inner self. No, not because they're profound - probably just because of the memories that surround them. or maybe they just strike that certain chord that hits you in the gut. Gives you the "stab".

Let me try to remember some from years gone by..."Ruby Tuesday" by the Rolling Stones, "Teenage Wasteland" by the Who, a million from the Beatles: "Nowhere man" "Eight days a Week" "In my life" to name a few, or "Imagine" by John Lennon. How about "the Times they are a changin' and "Tambourine Man" by Bob Dylan. Then there "7 Bridges Road" by the Eagles and "Southern Cross" by Crosby Stills Nash & Young, "Piece of my Heart" and "Bobby McGee" by Janis Joplin.

When I hear these songs and many more that escape me at the moment - they just take me back or they make me feel something inside...music can do that. It has to be the music - if you ever took note of the lyrics to some of these songs...well, not to much depth in there!

hmmm it's been a good trip down memory road - think I'll go dig out some albums.


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