random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I've been walking two miles every weekday for the past month or so. I guess it'll help eventually - right now it's just a chore. So as I was sweating away doing my walk - I got thinking about my sister in law.

My sis-in-law Kelly just completed a 60 mile walk ( that's around 96 kilometers for us Canadians) over 3 days. She did it to raise money for breast cancer research, a worthy cause that has affected her life and so many of our own. She walked, slept in a tent, ate at tent city and then walked some more. I'm sure she enjoyed it - she has a pretty positive attitude toward most things in life, but no matter how you slice it - well, it's a LONG way to walk.

I'm very proud of her. I'm proud of her rising to the challenge, to train and then to follow through and actually do it. It's easy to throw money at a good cause. She could have easily just given cash and been done with it. But to sacrifice your time and your comfort - it's impressive. I think we all learn more when we give of ourselves and we set an example to the people around us. It says that we care enough to give up time, sleep, and all manner of creature comforts. I respect that.

I'm proud of all the walkers this past weekend - and I'm proud that Kelly was one of them.


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