random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I love our public library - well, not just OUR public library - but libraries in general. What a great service they provide. The woman who heads up our library mentioned yesterday that she is going to be spearheading a campaign promoting literacy.
Apprarently our sweet little town of Hope has a very high drop out rate and in terms of children and literacy, ranks quite poorly. She also said that children watch an average of 30 hours of TV per week. Holy Smoke. And that there are 14 acts of violence per one hour of TV. Now, I'm certainly not anti-TV - but both the TV and the Internet have created a generation who expect everything in short, entertaining soundbites. And not just their escapes, but their information and knowledge as well. I'll be very interested to see how a literacy campaign works in a town like ours.

Now what I was really thinking about when I started this post....I picked up FINALLY a book I ordered from our library months and months ago. It is Anne Lamott's "Bird by Bird". I'm so thrilled. I love Anne Lamott. She is one of those 'people of faith' who doesn't fit into any mold. I disagree with many of her beliefs but so what. She is hilarious, she is real and she truly makes me laugh. She's radical, and she is trying to live her life following what she believes to be the way Jesus did. But this book is more a manual. A manual on how to be a better writer. She teaches writing workshops and has compiled some thoughts and lessons into this book. I'm looking forward to trying her ideas out and seeing if I can put anything onto paper that is slightly worthy of being read.

I often have thoughts in my mind that sound so deep,so profound and challenging bouncing around up there in my grey matter - but the minute I lay them out on a page. Well, frankly, they sound like crap. So I'm hoping to move up the literary ladder. Maybe make the jump from 'crap' to 'strained peas' or 'pureed peaches'.

Who knows if it'll help - but I'm guaranteed to enjoy the read.


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