random musing

Thoughts that pop into my head from time to time.

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Location: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a wife, homeschooling mom, and lover of art. I seek to follow Jesus completely.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Well, the day has finally arrived. After months and months of prep and discussions - the Kuhn family is on the road. My sister and her family are off for 3 months to Birmingham, Alabama. The Church (our Church) where my b-i-l serves as senior pastor has given him a 3 month sabbatical. So as of today, their adventure begins. One van, 4 daughters and 3 months plus worth of stuff.

I'm excited for them. I hope it is all that they hope for and then some. Jeff is able to study, to reflect, to hang out with his family. Ang will hopefully be able to work on some creative side stuff, and the kids - well, I hope this is a healing time - they still suffer the effects of my accident. It has been a hard road for them. And I hope that as a family they are able to create amazing memories.

But I'm beyond sad too. Honestly, it feels like my left arm has been cut off. And yes, I am left handed. But hey, 3 months will pass quickly and fortunately we've got good friends and lots of support here at home.

It's just different. *sigh*


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